Today's theme is "8-bit Zombie". When I think 8-bit I always think of Pokemon, my favorite childhood video game. So here's me and some zombies in an old Pokemon game! Just snagged the Gameboy photo off of Google. :)
Couldn't lock in on a dragon design that I liked. One of them pretty much became Godzilla. Geesh. I want to keep moving, and so for now you get rough idea sketches!
Work has been WAY crazy. Unfortunately I haven't had much time to draw, but I was able to throw together this big catch-up of a drawing. I covered (in order from left to right) zombie, werewolf, Frankenstein, and vampire. Ha! Need to move on, no time to finish!
I JUST heard about this today, so I have some catching up to do! Today's drawing was "Rat", so I combined day 1's "Spider" with the rat. Tomorrow is "Raven", and I'll be combining day 2's "Zombie" with that! Woohoo Drawlloween!